While flying back from the Crooked Road tour in Virginia, I sat next to Brian, who is from Ohio. We talked for a while, and I found out that he used to work for the Ohio Tourism Office. He also told me that Hocking Hills was a great place for motorcycling, and I should visit.
A month later, a hand-carved bird shows up in the mail along with an invitation from Amy Weirick of the local tourism office to come down and see Hocking Hills. So I agree to go, figuring I can profile an ATV club, do a motorcycle tour story, and see the area.
The day comes closer and I'm starting to think, what the hell? I have a plate full of deadlines and I'm headed down on a press trip? Why am I doing this?
As it turns out, I had a productive and vastly entertaining trip. The Hocking Hills remind of the Ozarks, with rolling hills, great motorcycle roads, and gorgeous caves and valleys. Plus the people down there are grounded Midwestern sorts with a little southern twang. And the little bit of the Short North and Germantown neighborhoods I saw in Columbus were really nice--that's a cool, livable town that reminds me a bit of MSP.
So here's a few photos--I'm running short on writing time--but let's leave it that I found another place I want to visit again.
Trenner Wile is 8 years old and likes shooting BB guns and racing his DRR quad. He’s been at it since he was 5 years old, and is leading his class in SOCC.
Katherine Page is 10 years old. She told me she likes beating the boys. She’s leading the Mini ATV (9-10) class, and had four wins as of mid-July.