Yikes, I'm a little behind on the blog. Busy times for yours truly. I did manage to get a new Web site up and running. The tech challenges were nearly beyond my skills, simply because finding settings on some of the hosting sites is a bit tricky. And there was a bit of a panic when I typed in Leeklancher.com--a domain I thought I had purchased--and found what looked to be a British Leek retailer. All turned out well, and I have a servicable site up and running. Check it out at
I also have an entry I meant to post but kept getting sidetracked by deadlines and other projects that actually pay the bills. Anyway, I traveled down to Austin early this month. The day before I left, the Minneapolis-St. Paul area was hit with about five inches of heavy, wet snow. I woke up bright and early the morning I was supposed to leave and went out for a sunrise ski down at Lake Elmo State Park not far from my house. It was beautiful and a bit of a Aldo Leopold morning, as geese, pheasant, cranes, and ducks kept me company on the 5-mile ski.
I had a business meeting that morning, and then was off to the airport. That night, I was greeted in Austin by a steak dinner out on Joan's porch. The weather was a balmy 70 degrees--a perfect night to sit out among the now very-green and summery-to-a-northerner Texas weather! And the steak was the Best Steak on Earth (seriously).
Stay tuned for my take on the ups and downs of working the freelance gig 1,000 miles from my office, as well as a tour of Texas trucks!